JUMP START Blog and Online Community

11 things you absolutely MUST do before posting your blog

Posted by Joanna Ellis-Escobar

Jun 20, 2018 1:36:00 PM

11 things to do before you publishI recently posted a blog on how to write killer content. In it, I discuss the top five resources the Flair team regularly uses when we create content. I thought I’d keep the convo going and let you in on our top tips for what we do just before we hit publish. Think of it as your pre-posting checklist.

  1. Don’t write in long chunks of text – a recent study by Microsoft Corp. shows the average attention span of most humans went from 12 seconds in 2000 to just eight seconds in 2015. (For comparison, a goldfish’s attention span is thought to be about nine seconds...but I digress…)
    TOP TIPS: 
    • Short blocks of text, bulleted lists, headings and subheadings (brownie points for bolding) are your best friends when blogging. 

    • Keep in mind - you basically have about seven seconds to capture your readers’ attention – ultra long paragraphs and chunks of text will lose ‘em.

  2. Link – embed high quality links, both to your own content and to others'. Link to older content you wrote (hello, thought leader…), link to studies and research, quote people you admire, be a resource to your readers.
    TOP TIPS: 
    • Be sure to set your links to “open in new page” so readers aren’t leaving your post.

    • Make sure you check your links – you definitely don’t want to include any broken links.

    • Find balance – don’t over-stuff your post with too many links.

  3. Check your word count – while it's true that longform copy is proven more effective in terms of establishing yourself as an authority in Google's eyes, you don’t always need to post a 2000+ word post. You do, however, need to make your content at least 300 words to keep The Almighty happy.
    TOP TIPS: 
    • Repurposing your longform content is a great way to consistently add value through content while cutting down on your research and resources. Research once, write many times.

  4. Add an image – and set it to be “featured.”

    TOP TIPS: 

    • Add alt text on your images.

    • Change any auto-generated titles.
      Do you want an image titled:


    • Always, always, always, cite your source for your images.

  5. Write a great title – remember that goldfish analogy?

    TOP TIPS: 

    • Make it catchy, snappy, grabby – boring gets you nowhere fast.

    • Keep it under 70 characters.

    • Use the Co-Schedule #1 Headline Analyzer to help you craft attention-getting headlines.

  6. Use your title to guide your SEO-friendly URL – search engines like URLs that are clean and make sense.

    TOP TIPS: 

    • Which looks better?

      http://www.jumpstart.flairinteractive.net/2018/6/19/10-things-to-do-before-you-hit -publish-16432
      OR (!)
      http://www.jumpstart.flairinteractive.net/10-things-to-do-before-you-hit -publish

  7. Proof your copy – always. ALWAYS. 

  8. SEO-atize your post  take advantage of the low-hanging fruit that's there.

    TOP TIPS: 


  9. Check that you have an H1 tag – your blog template may automatically designate an H1 tag. 
    TOP TIPS: 

    • You can (and should) optimize your H1 tags – use your keywords toward the front of the tag, and keep the length between 20-70 characters long (including spaces).

  10. Add a CTA – what do you want your reader to do next? Sign up for your email list? Download your awesome new eBook? Reach out to learn more about your products or services?

    TOP TIPS: 

  11. Promote on your social channels – what's the point of posting if nobody can find you? Social media is your new best friend. 
    TOP TIPS: 
    • Using a tool like Buffer, Sprout or HubSpot can help you manage your social promotion efforts seamlessly and efficiently.

    • Be creative, unique and engaging when sharing your content.  

Blogging isn’t easy, but with the right grit, determination and know-how, you can be well on your way to posting content that gets noticed, every time you hit publish. Need some help with your blogging efforts? Flair is here to help you turn your blog into a thought leader powerhouse. Reach out to us today! 

Let Flair's team of content managers plan, develop and publish your content every week.


Image courtesy of Free-Photos / 9114 via Pixabay

Topics: blog, blogging, blog posting, blog training, how to blog, best practices


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