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Top content marketing news for week ending 6/1/18

Written by Kristin Muckerheide | Jun 1, 2018 8:54:00 PM

Have you been staying on top of the latest trends and news in the world of content marketing lately? Summer is a busy time, we know. The team here at Flair Interactive has gathered the top five content marketing news updates for this week, so read on to get your fill of industry news. 


1. How do you set smart SEO goals for your team/agency/project? - Whiteboard Friday (Moz)

When it comes time to make SEO goals for your company, project or otherwise, are you gung-ho to get right in there and start crafting your actual SEO goals right off the bat? If that's the case, you're doing it wrong, according to Rand Fishkin on this Whiteboard Friday from Moz. He recommends a different approach that he explains in this blog. 


2. 6 tools for social media content inspiration (Social Media Examiner)

We all know how important sharing content on social media is to our overall content marketing strategy. But who has the time to continually be coming up with fresh new ideas that your audience digs? It's a tall order. Social Media Examiner shares six tools that will make this aspect of sharing on socia a whole lot easier. 

3. StumbleUpon shuts down after 16 years (Search Engine Journal)

Launched before the days of Facebook and Twitter, StumbleUpon has graced the internet for 16 long years. But according to this recent article, they'll be shutting down on June 30th. StumbleUpon accounts will be transitioned into Mix.com over the coming months, where the StumbleUpon founder plans to devote his time once the site is gone.

4. How to drill down into your buyer personas to create hyper-targeted content (Entrepreneur)

Creating accurate buyer personas is an essential step in crafting a strong inbound marketing strategy. If your personas aren't on point, then the content you create will be aimless. Talk about wasted effort and time. This article takes you through five simple steps to refine your buyer personas to make them as effective as possible. 

5. 8 strategies to embrace the future of content marketing (HubSpot)

For an interesting perspective on the present state of content marketing (and where it's headed), you won't want to miss this piece by HubSpot. It works in a bit of history, too, that sets the stage for how we got to where we are, and where the field could be headed. 


Need help with your content marketing strategy? We've got you covered. Reach out to us today to find out how we can help. 


Image courtesy of Suomy via Pixabay